泽西城 1室1卫 短租
Jersey City
出租房类型 | 整房出租 |
按月支付 | $1200 |
起租时间 | 2022-10-06 |
截止时间 | 任何时候 |
性别要求 | 男女不限 |
宠物限制 | 不允许 |
出租人身份 | 房主 |
房源类型 | Single Family House |
户型 | 1 卧室 1 卫生间 |
总面积 | - |
Newly renovated one bedroom apartment. ONE PERSON ONLY. Good for a student or a IT professional with less cooking.
10 minutes walk to Journal Square Path. 15 minutes to New York by bus or path. Near India Square with a lot of restaurants and shops. There are lot of shops along JFK Blvd and central avenue. Laundromat is half block away.
Safe and quiet!
- 加入时间 Oct 5, 2022